Tuesday, September 27, 2011

book talk: book clubs

Let's talk book clubs.

Last year, some friends and I started a book club around this book.

We met at my house. I bought cheese and wine, and everyone else brought whatever they felt like noshing on. We ate, chatted, and then settled down in the living room to discuss. I tell you what, though, sometimes it was intense, the conversations we had. But, it was also deeply personal, bonding, and uplifting. Always, it was lovely!

Now, I'm getting the itch to start again. But, since the last book was so, sort of personal and non-fiction, I was thinking about a novel this time. I'm halfway through this one and it's blowing my mind!

I'd love to be able to talk about it with some fabulous women.

What do you think about book clubs? Are you in one? Any great recommendations for mine?


Miss Bibliophile said...

I read The Help with my book club and I think it prompted one of the longest, most interesting discussions we've ever had. Everyone liked the book, but a lot of different opinions, and even criticisms, emerged the more we talked about it. Good stuff!

Jess said...

funny you ask, my friend Jamie (blog: Living the Lay Life) just mentioned starting a book club. I loved "The Help"! wish I could come over, drink wine, and chat with you.

nic said...

MIss B~thanks for the encouragement! I am leaning ever more toward this book, particularly because I crae good discussions!

Jess~I wish we could hang out, drink wine and chat, too!!! You're so fabulous:)

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