Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Book Talk

I started the day talking about books. What a satisfying way to start the day! My friend, Becky, and I met up for breakfast and book-talking before I had to leave to teach my class. We are reading Writing About Writing together, using the buddy system to keep each other accountable, but also to help each other process this "College Reader," to see if and how it could fit into our writing classes.

One of the things Elizabeth Wardle and Doug Downs stress on the first page of the book is that, "writing is something we know about, not just something we do." And this is a fact that undergirds my professional field. We can write about writing, think through and develop writing theories, and research the processes that surround writing just as we can write and think and develop and research in any discipline. I am really excited to keep going through this book! I'll keep you posted as I uncover cool stuff:)


Jess said...

sounds good! let me know what you think of it. I'm still reeling from "writing down the bones", though sadly I'm struggling to find the will to write. I'm blaming it on the move!

nic said...

Totally. I think you should milk this move for all it's worth, baby! It is, like, one of the most psychologically stressful experiences; third only to the death of a loved one or the birth of a child, I think. Reason enough to sleep and compost...in the writing sense (hey!) and get settled and survey and then your practice will grow again...it will. You're a writer. It's not (sometimes unfortunately) something you can just "turn off". You'll get back into it:)

Jess said...

thank you for your encouragement!

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