Tuesday, November 8, 2011

cough and cold care

Hey there, friends! Sorry it has been so long between posts, but I've been feeling a bit under-the-weather lately.

Against my will, I've managed to contract a gnarly cough--probably because it's been floating around the university since the beginning of October. I guess I should be impressed with how long my immune system held out! For now, though, I'm trying to lay low. Dress comfy. Take care of myself.

I've been drinking cups and cups of tea, mostly this kind and this kind.

I've been eating cough drops like candy, my favorites are these. But, I would love to try these homemade honey "cough pops" pinned first by Jess.

Last but not least, I've been trying to dress myself cozy--sweaters, layers, etc. Today, hilariously, I didn't realize until I was already out the door that it is 65 degrees out today.  I'm either burning up because of my four layers, or I have a fever. Or, both.

So, here's to a healthier rest of the week! I do hope you are all feeling well:)


Jess said...

hope you get to feeling better soon! I'm loving layers, too, and ended up a big warm today, as our high reached 71.

nic said...

wow. I'm so jealous! Atlanta in the fall, huh? But, you're right about layers...even in the mitten, I have one classroom that's about 90 degrees, and one that's about 40. Every. Single. Day. Being able to strip down or layer up is essential!

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